Join CUAV at QWOCMAP, the Queer Women of Color Film Festival! This year’s Festival Focus, "Joyful Reunion," invites attendees from around the Bay Area and the world to explore a diverse slate of films and discussions. The special anniversary will feature a spotlight panel, "Unshakeable Legacy: Queer Women of Color Filmmakers," moderated by Madeleine Lim, award-winning filmmaker and QWOCMAP’s founding Executive/Artistic Director.

¡Únete a CUAV en QWOCMAP, el Festival de Cine Queer Women of Color! El Festival Focus de este año, "Joyful Reunion", invita a lxs asistentes de todo el Área de la Bahía y del mundo a explorar una variedad diversa de películas y debates. El aniversario especial contará con un foro moderado por Madeleine Lim, cineasta galardonada y directora ejecutiva y artística fundadora de QWOCMAP.


Nuestrx Coordinadorx de Apoyo y Alcance, Cy, compartirá en un foro sobre la Decolonización de la Salud Mental, platicando sobre las formas de este tipo de cuidado para nuestras poblaciones diversas queer/trans/no binarias. Se llevara a cabo el 8 de junio, de las 2-5pm, en Albany.

Join CUAVs Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator, Cy, as they share about Decolonizing Mental Health in a panel for our diverse queer/trans/nonbinary communities. See you there June 8, from 2-5pm, in Albany.






CUAV supports the healing of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people that have experienced violence and abuse by other people and /or institutions.





Our Coalitions



Our Mission

Founded in 1979, CUAV works to build the power of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) communities to transform violence and oppression. We support the healing and leadership of those impacted by abuse and mobilize our broader communities to replace cycles of trauma with cycles of safety and liberation. As part of the larger social justice movement, CUAV works to create truly safe communities where everyone can thrive.

Learn more

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Our Community Programs


We support the wellness of predominantly low- and no-income LGBTQI people surviving violence or abuse.



Access short-term counseling to receive emotional support, safety planning, referrals, and limited case follow-up.

Take care tuesdays

This support group is open to all LGBTQI survivors of violence. Weekly, we practice wellness skills that support healing and self care.


Learn how to support LGBTQI survivors of violence. Build leadership skills to transform cycles of violence into cycles of safety and healing.


Our response

CUAV’s response to police violence + anti-black racism: As a team of Black and Latinx queer and trans people, we know that “black & brown unity” isn’t just a cute trend. This is a lifetime commitment that we humbly admit has not been an easy road. Yet, this is a loud call from the ancestors to build real solidarity to end anti-black racism. Collective liberation means the end of interpersonal and state violence while offering an opportunity to heal and dream with our peopleRead more

CUAV helped me to realize that there will be storms, but afterward there will be calm. I’ve been able to develop a greater sense of security and they have helped me strengthen myself. I now realize that I have the right to be treated justly.
— CUAV Member
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